
You're busy. You don't have time to monitor your account activity 24 hours a day. The good news is we're happy to take on the task and keep you in the loop.

We'll give you a heads up when activity occurs

Be in the know
Find out when your paycheck has been deposited, your balance runs low, and more.
Easy sign-up
It only takes a few minutes to fine-tune your personal alert preferences in Digital Banking.
Security assured
We'll never include a link to your account or request personal info in one of our alerts.

We can notify you via text or email

Staying on top of your account activity is important. By signing up for custom alerts, you'll automatically get timely information about your Dominion Energy Credit Union accounts that help you make the right moves.

Receive alerts when:

  • A deposit has been made
  • A check has cleared
  • Your balance drops below a specified amount
  • A withdrawal exceeds a specified amount
  • A loan payment is due
  • Security events have occurred

Account security

  • We never include a direct link to your account within an email
  • You must use your password to access Digital Banking and view account information
  • We never send emails requesting account information
  • We never sell your email address to vendors

Get Started in 3 Simple Steps

Log in to Digital Banking
Click "Settings" and then "Alerts"
In the drop-down menu, select your alert(s) and follow the prompts

Better than ordinary checking

Enjoy our free checking account with eStatements, no hidden fees and access to powerful digital tools.